We are midway through our Lenten journey toward Easter. As a matter of context, all journeys have their ups and downs. Right now, you may or may not be experiencing a lull. If so, we all go through times like this. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, it’s usually a product of perspective. Fortunately, the Lord has not left us to sort this out by our own resources.
The Lord is my shepherd;
Psalm 23:1, NLT
I have all that I need.
Reading through this Psalm, we see that the writer is identifying as a sheep belonging to the Lord and is on a journey along with his shepherd. There are times of peace and tranquility and times of distress and darkness. The refrain throughout is that the Lord is with him. As I reflect on this Psalm, I see the sheep walking alongside the shepherd. In order for the sheep to see the shepherd, it must look up, and in so doing is able to receive the comfort and reassurance needed to continue along this journey. This may not change the reality of our situation, but when we trust God’s heart for us, we find the strength to endure as we follow the Lord in our daily lives.
If you chose a Lenten practice this year, how are you doing? Are you hitting a lull? If so, I encourage you to change your perspective by looking up toward the Lord, our shepherd. God’s heart is to lead us with unconditional love and unending companionship so that we may know the fullness of all that God desires for us.
Grace and peace,